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Ladder Harness Safety

Get Involved in National Ladder Safety Month with Free Online Training

The American Ladder Institute (ALI) leads National Ladder Safety Month this March, raising awareness on proper ladder use to prevent workplace injuries and accidents.

Crane Operator

Washington L&I Moves to Strengthen Tower Crane Safety Rules

Following recent legislative changes, L&I is implementing new permit requirements ensuring safer assembly, disassembly, and use.

Worker Safety

Beyond Hard Hats: Integrating Industrial Hygiene into Lone Worker Safety

Integrating industrial hygiene principles helps protect lone workers by identifying, evaluating, and controlling unique safety risks.

Keynote Podium

AIHA Connect 2025 Keynote to Highlight the Power of Neurodiversity in the Workplace

This keynote highlights the benefits of neurodiversity, offering practical strategies to support and leverage neurodivergent employees for workplace success.

Hazard Communication: Using GHS to Improve Health and Safety

OSHA’s recent updates to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) bring important changes to hazard classification, chemical labeling, and Safety Data Sheets. Learn how these updates impact workplace safety and chemical hazard communication.

Workers with Safety Gloves

LOHP Marks 50 Years of Advancing Workplace Safety and Health

The Labor Occupational Health Program at UC Berkeley School of Public Health was key in securing worker protections.

Worker with Back Pain

NSC Releases New Guidance to Prevent Common Workplace Injuries

The National Safety Council's new resource helps organizations prevent costly musculoskeletal disorders with research-backed strategies.

Workers with Covid Facemasks

Cal/OSHA Ends Most COVID-19 Prevention Standards

California OSHA announced that most of its workplace health standards have ended, but reporting and recordkeeping requirements will remain in effect until 2026.

Eye Exams for Workers

Digital Eye Strain Hampers Employee Productivity

According to the latest Workplace Vision Health Report, employees now average 97 hours of screen time per week, increasing eye strain and workplace health concerns.

Rat in a Trench

Plumbing Companies Fined for Serious Safety Violations

Smelly Mel’s Plumbing and Sewer Rat Plumbing was fined $529,640 for safety violations after serious injuries to a construction worker during a trench collapse.

New Products Round-Up: Friday, January 24, 2025

New Products Round-Up: Friday, February 21, 2025

This week’s products improve workplace safety with a space-saving faucet with eyewash, a new product catalog, and an advanced conveyor system.

OSHA Blackboard

Lawmakers Question OSHA’s Removal of Workplace Safety Documents

Reps. Bobby Scott and Ilhan Omar are questioning OSHA’s removal of documents, citing missing materials on ergonomics, EMS response, and violence prevention.

Construction Safety Training

ASSP Releases New Safety Training Standard for Construction and Demolition Sites

This voluntary consensus standard outlines best practices for hazard communication, regulatory compliance, and training.

FMLI Payments Suspended

Maryland Labor Department Proposes Delay for Family, Medical Leave Program

State officials cite federal workforce reductions and funding shifts behind the FMLI delay, impacting thousands of Maryland employees and employers.

Workers on Break

Oregon Employers, Workers Invited to Take a ‘Safety Break’

The annual event provides an opportunity for businesses and employees to recognize safety achievements, assess workplace hazards, and discuss strategies to protect workers from harm.

Poultry Inspector

Ohio Reports First Probable Human Case of Bird Flu in Farm Worker

Health officials said the case involves an adult male farm worker who had contact with deceased commercial poultry.

Construction PPE

Nevada OSHA Adopts Federal Rule on PPE in Construction

Nevada OSHA has adopted federal OSHA’s new rule requiring properly fitting PPE in construction.


Artificial Intelligence