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NRC Approves Renewed Fuel Loading at San Onofre

Fuel loading operations were suspended following an Aug. 3, 2018, incident involving a loaded spent fuel storage canister that was misaligned and became stuck on a flange while being lowered into a storage vault.

Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Workers Accounted for 3 Percent of 2017 Fatal Work Injuries: BLS

The occupation with the most Asians, native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders killed from 2013 to 2017 was heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers. The next two occupations with the most killed were first-line supervisors of retail sales workers and cashiers.

Near-Normal Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecasted

NOAA predicts a likely range of 9 to 15 named storms, including 2 to 4 major hurricanes, for the season beginning June 1. An average hurricane season produces 12 named storms, of which 6 become hurricanes, including 3 major hurricanes.

My First Impressions of AIHce and the Safety Industry

One of the common trends that I seemed to notice was connectivity. I stopped at several booths that were touting solutions that gave project managers and safety directors the ability to see the health of their workers at a glance while also instantaneously communicating with them.

ASSP and NIOSH Renew Partnership for Five Years

"We have a common mission to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, so we want to benefit from each other's experience and combine resources where possible to improve occupational safety and health performance," ASSP President Rixio Medina said.

Wearable Sensors: 'Tremendous Opportunity,' Some Challenges

Potential benefits of the technologies include preventing and mitigating injuries, decreasing the extent and duration of disability, enhancing employee wellness, and improving productivity. Injury prevention studies of wearable technologies' effect are rare, however, and employee acceptance of them could be an implementation challenge, two speakers said during an AIHce EXP 2019 session.

Most Highway Contractors Have Experienced Vehicle Crashes at Work Sites: AGC Study

According to a new highway work zone study conducted by the Associated General Contractors of America, 67 percent of highway contractors report that motor vehicles had crashed into their construction work zones during the past year.

Biosafety Issues in Focus in AIHce Conference

For the first time, U.S. physicians' rates of suffering needlesticks and sharps injuries exceeded nurses' rates during 2017, an International Safety Center presenter said during a "Biosafety Issues in IH" session at the AIHce EXP 2019 conference.

NIOSH Robotics Joining More Partnerships

The NIOSH Center for Occupational Robotics Research has partnerships in placed with the Robotic Industries Association, Ohio State University, and North Carolina State University ISE. It will partner with the National Science Foundation a year from now, said Chuck Geraci, Ph.D., CIH, FAIHA, who is NIOSH's associate director for emerging technologies.

Are Smart Phones Smart to Use on a Work Site?

Communication is critical on construction sites. Whether for coordinating movement of materials or issuing warnings, it is important that workers be able to clearly communicate with each other.

Virginia Recognizes 20 Mines, Nine Miners for Excellence in Worker Safety

Five surface mines will also receive a special award in honor of the entire crew working five years without a lost time accident.

NTSB: Inadequate Planning, Insufficient Training Led to Fatal 2017 Amtrak Derailment


NTSB: Inadequate Planning, Insufficient Training Led to Fatal 2017 Amtrak Derailment

Failure to provide an effective mitigation for a hazardous curve and inadequate training of a locomotive engineer led to the overspeed derailment of an Amtrak passenger train that hurtled off a railroad bridge and onto a busy DuPont, Wash., highway, the National Transportation Safety Board announced Tuesday.

WorkSafeBC Releases New Resources on Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in the Service Industry

WorkSafeBC aims to raise awareness about the risk of hearing loss in the service industry with the release of a new safety bulletin and other resources for workers and employers.

NSC Estimates 380 Roadway Deaths During Memorial Day Weekend

NSC Estimates 380 Roadway Deaths During Memorial Day Weekend

For the first time in four years, the National Safety Council estimates fewer than 400 fatalities on the road during Memorial Day weekend.

British Safety Council Calls for UK to Recognize Air Pollution as Occupational Health Hazard

The British Safety Council’s recently released report, Impact of air pollution on the health of outdoor workers, makes an argument for recognizing air pollution as an occupational health hazard in Britain.

3M PSD's 2019 Scholarships Awarded at AIHce

In the 33rd year for these scholarships, the 3M Personal Safety Division is giving $5,000 to three students who are pursuing graduate degrees in occupational health and safety/industrial hygiene.


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