The NFPA 2400 standard underscores the need for an sUAS coordinator and the importance of knowing airspace requirements, weather conditions, crew readiness benchmarks, resource needs, incident command systems, regulatory requirements, and communication strategies.
The Gulf Research Program was established in 2013 as part of the settlement of criminal charges against two companies involved in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The federal government entrusted the National Academies with $500 million to enhance human health, environmental resources, and the safety of offshore energy systems in the Gulf of Mexico region.
The price of workers' compensation insurance in Washington state will take the largest drop in more than 10 years on Jan. 1, 2019, as the state Department of Labor & Industries on Dec. 3 announced a 5 percent decrease in the average amount employers pay for the coverage.
The complaint alleged that analysis of environmental samples collected from the defendants' facility during numerous inspections showed the facility contained a resident strain of Listeria monocytogenes. FDA most recently inspected the facility in late 2017, and its inspection showed the ready-to-eat food products that defendants manufactured and distributed were adulterated.
"My administration has made fighting the opioid epidemic one of its top priorities, and this collaboration with Michael Bloomberg and Bloomberg Philanthropies will allow us to take an in-depth look at the areas where we can supplement our programs to successfully assist more Pennsylvanians," Gov. Tom Wolf said.
Every year, more than 35 million nuclear medicine examinations are performed globally, particularly to diagnose and manage cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. Countries often lack programs to train specialists and technical personnel to facilitate diagnosis and treatment, according to IAEA.
The program prepares motivated youth through classroom instruction and hands-on skills training for employment and registered apprenticeship in one of the fastest-growing occupations in construction.
AKOSH's enforcement inspections under the program will focus on the types of hazards commonly found in hospitals and other health care settings: slips, trips, and falls; bloodborne pathogens; tuberculosis; workplace violence; and ergonomics.
The Houston workshop includes lunch, and participants will receive a certificate of participation. Proceeds will benefit the SPE Gulf Coast scholarship fund.
"This owner's intentional disregard of the manufacturers' safety instructions and failure to take proper safety measures resulted in serious injuries to an employee," said OSHA Jacksonville Area Office Director Michelle Gonzalez.
The Asian longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) has been found in several U.S. states since it was first discovered here in New Jersey in August 2017.
"Helping reduce the burden of health IT continues to be a key area of focus at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, and we anticipate the winning submissions to the Easy EHR Issue Reporting Challenge will help with those efforts," said Dr. Don Rucker, M.D., HHS national coordinator for health information technology.
OH&S congratulated winners of the tenth annual contest during the 2018 National Safety Council Congress & Expo in Houston.
Controlling the risks is done by applying the hierarchy of controls: elimination, substitution, engineering controls (such as ventilation systems to remove welding fume), administrative controls, and finally, PPE.
Employees should be trained to respond appropriately to each scenario that is applicable to their workplace, which could mean training everyone not only to evacuate, but also to shelter in place and how to lock down areas.
With accuracy rates as high as 86 percent, predictive analytics have helped organizations save lives.
Lightweight garments may seem counterintuitive for protecting against the cold, but layering up lightweight garments is one of the best ways to combat the cold and remain comfortable.