The Employer Guides cover the training, certification, and evaluation requirements for crane operators under OSHA's final rule.
“Usable, interoperable health IT was one of the first elements of the vision I laid out earlier this year for transforming our health system into one that pays for value,” HHS Secretary Alex Azar said. “With the significant growth in EHRs comes frustration caused, in many cases, by regulatory and administrative requirements stacked on top of one another."
"Our sympathy is with the family. Their loss serves as a reminder to us all that influenza can be a very serious illness," said Dr. Joshua Clayton, state epidemiologist for the department. "It is not too late to get vaccinated for this flu season, and if you haven't yet received your annual flu vaccination, the time to do so is now."
The annual award honors an outstanding documentary or animated film that focuses on the experiences of workers, examining such topics as the effects of economic and political change on work, workplace risks, and mental health and well-being at work.
FEMA concurred with both recommendations in the DHS inspector general's report but said it expects to complete its work on both on Oct. 31, 2019.
They include conducting a GAO study to identify factors that contribute to shortages and developing a list of critical drugs essential for emergency response and preserving life.
"On behalf of the NSC Board of Directors, congratulations to Debbie on her exciting new role with Waymo," said Board Chairman Mark Vergnano. "Debbie has always been a strong champion for safety, and she is perfectly positioned to lead Waymo through the next phase of their self-driving vehicle program."
Uninsured residents of Butte, Los Angeles, and Ventura counties in California are eligible for no-cost replacements of critical medications that were lost or damaged by the wildfires in those three counties, thanks to the HHS Emergency Prescription Assistance Program.
Daniel Rivera, the mayor of Lawrence, faulted Columbia Gas for its actions during and after the disaster. "It was clear that the Columbia Gas engineers and Columbia Gas Massachusetts top leadership were afraid and lacked a clear path to deal with the disaster," he said in his prepared statement. "They owned the pipe, owned the gas in the pipe, they owned the customer relationships, yet they failed to own this disaster."
"Cintas Corporation's achievement is extraordinary, unmatched by any other Hoosier company, and has taken many years to accomplish," said Indiana Department of Labor Commissioner Rick Ruble. "We applaud Cintas for its exceptional commitment to protecting workers, not just in the Hoosier state, but across the country."
Comments in response to the U.S. Chemical Safety Board's "Call to Action: Combustible Dust" are now due by Dec. 31.
The CRTC, which regulates the broadcasting and telecommunications service providers that distribute emergency alerts to the public, set a target that 50 percent of new devices sold in Canada be wireless public alert compatible as of April 2018 and 100 percent as of April 2019.
The event will take place Dec. 4-6 at the Savannah Marriott Riverfront in Savannah, Ga.
The agency has previously reported that the initial explosion occurred in the refinery's Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit at about 10 a.m. while the refinery was shutting down that unit for periodic maintenance and inspection.
Seven icebreakers were deployed to the Arctic during the season and provided safe escorts of ships through ice-covered waters, conducted 20 search-and-rescue operations and 14 environmental response missions, and supported safe navigation, science missions, and training operations with partners.
Its members will be announced during the first meeting of DOT's Aviation Consumer Protection Advisory Committee, which is scheduled to take place Jan. 16, 2019, in Washington, D.C.
The updates to Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations for plastic piping systems used to transport natural or other gas reflect changing technologies and issues affecting plastic pipe and respond to several industry petitions asking PHMSA to consider regulatory updates for plastic pipe.