According to the council, 13 percent of workplace injuries can be attributed to fatigue. In the survey report, NSC identifies night shift and overtime scheduling, a lack of time off between shifts, and inadequate rest areas for employees within the workplace as some of the factors contributing to worker fatigue.
The guide is built around three main sections: Preventing Harm, Intervening Early, and Supporting Recovery. It outlines a systematic approach to ensuring workers' psychological health and safety that revolves around the elements discussed in the three sections.
Advances in technology often simplify our lives and make our work day easier—will this be the case with e-Manifests? Or will the new electronic tracking system become a boondoggle for shippers, transporters, and receiving facilities?
"This is a huge milestone for our Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System project team," said Ed Waggoner, NASA's Integrated Aviation Systems Program director. "We worked closely with our Federal Aviation Administration colleagues for several months to ensure we met all their requirements to make this initial flight happen."
There are many electrical hazards in swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, on board boards, and in the waters surrounding boats, marinas, and launch ramps.
"It is a win-win standard because it gives buyers the assurance of a standardized level of quality while securing safety and quality for those in the supply chain," said Bertrand-Marie Nahon, convenor of the working group that developed the standard.
Earlier this year, Congress passed a two-year budget that included $6 billion to address the opioid epidemic and mental health, $500 million of which went to NIH to address the crisis that is causing an estimated 115 U.S. deaths daily.
Idaho, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont will receive nearly $100,000 to provide training, information, and skills to detect drivers under the influence of drugs.
"All airspace over the laboratory is protected right now against unauthorized drone or UAS flights," said Michael Lansing, who heads the laboratory's security operations. "We can detect and track a UAS and if it poses a threat, we have the ability to disrupt control of the system, seize or exercise control, confiscate, or use reasonable force to disable, damage, or destroy the UAS."
"Aquaculture occupational health and safety is frequently marginalized or lost by government, industry, and sometimes labor organizations," Watterson said.
Volkswagen AG accepted the fine and, by doing so, admitted its responsibility.
"Many of the all-time or near lows we saw in 2017 reflect a continuation of declining firefighter fatality rates in the U.S.," said Rita Fahy, NFPA's manager of fire databases and systems. "At the same time, we found some unexpected shifts in terms of when and where deaths are occurring."
Most provisions of the standard become enforceable on June 23. OSHA announced it intends to issue interim enforcement guidance until a compliance directive on the new standard is finalized.
FDA is discussing with other agencies changing the model for reimbursement of certain new, anti-microbial drugs that meet critical public health needs, possibly by using a licensing model so that acute care institutions that are most likely to prescribe these medicines would pay a fixed licensing fee for access to the drug.
An accident or event is considered an abnormal occurrence if it involves a major reduction in the degree of protection of public health and safety, according to the agency.
Under Section 503 of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, any state in which mining takes place may apply for the grant. MSHA may fund 80 percent of the activities under a state grant program.
The semiannual regulatory flexibility agenda includes rules that are likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Two from OSHA are prerule stage -- Communication Tower Safety and a Tree Care Standard -- and two are long-term actions -- Infectious Diseases and Process Safety Management.