AT&T, in a public-private partnership with FirstNet, will build, operate, and maintain the network at no cost to the state for the next 25 years; the governor said it will transform the way West Virginia's fire, police, EMS, and other public safety personnel communicate and share information.
Workers also can opt to file a complaint by fax, mail, or hand-delivery, by contacting the agency at 800-321-6742, or by calling an OSHA regional or area office.
The agency said it will launch a public dialogue about lowering nicotine levels in combustible cigarettes to non-addictive levels through achievable product standards, including issuing an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to seek input on the potential public health benefits and any possible adverse effects of lowering nicotine in cigarettes.
ASSE is the administrator of the U.S. technical advisory group that developed the U.S. position on the standard. ASSE leaders including Tom Cecich, its immediate past president, say ISO 45001 is one of the most significant occupational safety and health voluntary national consensus standards ever.
The Australian safety agency already has taken advantage by taking investigative video with its drone after a loaded coal train derailed in Queensland on July 21, 2017.
The Public Employees Retirement System's board is expected to vote July 28 on whether to lower the assumed return on its investments during the next two decades, reducing it from the currently assumed 7.5 percent average return per year.
The Flood Awareness Apex applies emerging technologies to improve community resilience from flood disasters in order to reduce flood fatalities and property losses.
CFIA is considering changes to the Health of Animals Regulations that would require all Canadian operators of premises where livestock may be loaded or unloaded from a vehicle to have a valid premises identification number for each site and to report the number when receiving livestock.
The revised HIPAA Breach Reporting Tool allows entities to report a breach, and the website informs members of the public of how breaches are investigated and resolved.
The National Safety Council conducted a survey that found 97 percent of respondents report at least one risk factor for fatigue.
From 2008 to 2016, an average of 568 containers were lost at sea per year -- 1,582 on average when catastrophic events are included. On average, 64 percent of containers lost during that period were attributed to a catastrophic event.
The board has recommended that local officials assess the safety of at-grade crossings, such as the Commerce Street crossing, and that commuter railroads that use third-rail power systems at or near grade crossings should assess their safety.
The Kansas Department of Labor's Industrial Safety and Health division and Secretary Lana Gordon recognized Flame Engineering Inc. of LaCrosse, Kansas, this month for reaching 16 years with no lost-time accidents.
After the developer has built an application's proof of concept with the kit, the next development step is to conduct real-world testing using a GM vehicle's infotainment system. GM Dev Client allows partners and developers the ability to test their apps in a GM vehicle once they have obtained approval from GM.
The task force, which Acosta will chair, has been asked to identify strategies and proposals to promote apprenticeships, especially in sectors where apprenticeship programs are currently insufficient.
"We are committed to working with all partners across the country to combat the overdose crisis. Supervised consumption sites are an important part of a comprehensive response," said Jane Philpott, Canada's minister of Health.
The settlement resolves Chevron's appeal of the citations Cal/OSHA issued after the Richmond refinery fire in 2012.