CLT is the fifth busiest airport in the country.
Its public consultation through July 5 asks about the job being done by three other EU agencies, as well.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao made the announcement.
The agency defines advanced reactors as technologies using something other than water to cool the reactor core. NRC is currently discussing one advanced design with a vendor considering applying for design certification.
Examining how prescription and OTC drugs contribute to work-related crashes and also developing a system to categorize medications’ risk levels were recommended in comments from stakeholders and the public as the agency’s Center for Motor Vehicle Safety plans its next actions.
NIOSH is making a number of resources available for all employers participating in this year's stand-down.
The maps will depict areas and altitudes near airports where they may operate safely.
The agency announced enforcement will now begin Sept. 23, 2017.
The Commerce Department agency is sponsoring a competition, PerfLoc, to generate the best apps from the developer community. Developers have until Aug. 17, 2017, to submit their entries.
23andMe tests for 10 diseases or conditions.
In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention alerted FDA about a potential association between multi-drug resistant bacteria and duodenoscopes, and FDA's investigation showed that infections were occurring despite confirmation that the users were following proper manufacturer cleaning and disinfection or sterilization instructions.
Documented instances where emergency medical services personnel used Naloxone to treat suspected overdoses also rose from 997 events during 2011 to 3,393 events during 2016, while potentially related new cases of hepatitis C have increased 80 percent, the report says.
Many OSHA standards require that an NRTL test and certify certain types of equipment as safe for use in workplaces. They are independent laboratories that meet OSHA's requirements for performing safety testing and certification of products.
The restrictions are taking effect April 14, 2017. There are only a few exceptions that permit drone flights within these restrictions and they must be coordinated with the individual facility and/or the FAA, according to the agency's announcement.
"Coastal residents are reminded," Colorado State University Department of Atmospheric Science Research Scientist Philip J. Klotzbach and Associate Professor Michael M. Bell wrote, "that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for them, and they need to prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted."
"The public plays an essential role in the fight to contain and eradicate diseases like Ebola, Zika, and influenza," said CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "The situation is urgent, but information can help make us less vulnerable."
Both the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Transportation Safety Board have just celebrated their 50th anniversaries.