It's more important than ever for employers to stay focused on OSHA regulations—not only to avoid citations and costly fines, but also to protect the organization's most valuable asset, the employees.
As a safety manager, an HR director, or a company executive, remaining confused and silent toward the issue of legal marijuana may prove to be a very costly mistake for you and your company.
They are another tool in the musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) prevention toolbox.
The more information you have about your own organization and workforce, the better the insight into how to reduce hazards to an acceptable level.
The proposed rule reduces annual fees by 7.3 percent from last year for operating reactors, by 16.1 percent for most fuel cycle facilities, and by 1.5 percent for spent fuel storage and decommissioning reactor licensees.
Dominion Diamond Corp. announced that it has begun identifying potential candidates to succeed CEO Brendan Bell, who has agreed to serve until June 30. Moving the corporate offices from Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories to Calgary "is not the right move for my family," he said.
She served as U.S. secretary of Labor from Jan. 29, 2001 to Jan. 20, 2009, during the presidency of George W. Bush.
The Feb. 1 hearing is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Eastern time and will examine the negative impacts of unnecessarily burdensome regulations on the nation's economy, and how a better approach would create jobs and spur economic growth.
Some travel packages won't include a ticket to the game.
Risk experts cited it along with terrorism, cyberattacks, vulnerabilities brought on by the Internet of Things (IoT), and more in the Willis Towers Watson Wire's outlook, "What Risks Will Emerge in 2017?"
The toxic substance was found in certain teething tablets.
The case involved disability benefits under the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act sought by a forklift driver who accidentally struck and killed a co-worker.
The order will require agencies to control the costs of all new rules within their budget and will be prohibited from imposing any new cost in finalizing or repealing a rule for the remainder of 2017 unless the cost is offset by the repeal of two existing regulations.
The docket concerns an April 2016 incident near Chester, Pa. A train moving at 106 mph, within the maximum authorized speed of 110 mph, hit a maintenance backhoe, killing two maintenance workers and injuring 41 people aboard the train.
Safety Break invites employers to bolster workplace safety and health with training, award recognition gatherings, or other creative activities. Coordinated by Oregon OSHA, it's a voluntary initiative.
"Greg Norman has always been a strong advocate for our coal miners and will continue working to keep them as safe as possible," Gov. Jim Justice said Jan. 25. "He has the experience and the knowledge to improve safety and enhance training. Greg's expertise will continue to make a real difference for our miners."
The April 6-7 symposium at its Geneva, Switzerland, headquarters will convene leading thinkers on workplaces of the future, technology and automation, sustainability, and young workers.