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Shorter Employment Insurance Waiting Period in Effect in Canada

The waiting period acts like the deductible that must be paid for other types of insurance. Shortening the waiting period is expected to ease the financial strain for EI claimants and will put an estimated additional $650 million in the pockets of Canadians annually starting this year.

March HFES Meeting Concerns Health Care Ergonomics

The 2017 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, March 5-8, 2017, will feature more than 180 presentations by health and safety researchers, policy makers, physicians and other health providers, medical device designers, health IT professionals, and biomedical engineers. It will be held at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel in New Orleans, La.

The new Fall Protection Code is the most current and robust resource to ensure you are getting the right equipment to meet today

Buying Fall Protection Equipment in 2017

How the new fall protection code should impact equipment purchases.

Employees who are frequently outdoors or around water should look for water-resistant footwear.

Safe Footwear Improves Worker Outcomes

OSHA- and ASTM-compliant footwear prevents workplace injuries.

Too Little Focus on ROI

The Society for Incentive Travel Excellence's SITE Index 2017 sheds light on incentive users' tracking of return on investment (ROI)—or their lack of tracking.

All employers, employees, and contractors within all three segments of the oil and gas industry (upstream, midstream, and downstream) are responsible for ensuring safe and healthful work sites.

The Significance of API RP 2219 Recommendations in the BLSR Accident, Part 1

Employers and workers need to pay special attention to minimum recommended safety requirements of approved standards and safe working procedures.

Suspension Trauma

Those writing fall protection plans must understand the hazards of harness hang syndrome in fall protection.

Treating marijuana the same as alcohol is impossible for several reasons. There are no measurements for marijuana impairment that relate across the board to how we understand alcohol impairment.

Summing Up 2016

The Zika virus was a concern throughout 2016, and November voting showed a clear trend toward broad legalization of marijuana in the United States.

There is a growing global push toward hazardous location competency training.

Data: Transforming Your Work Site

The benefits of leveraging data for on-site workers' protection, as well as a company's operations, must be realized.

Emergency Response is a Matter of Time

The best time to prepare a facility's immediate and effective response to hazardous chemical exposure is before it ever happens.

Companies in all industries can look to FEMA, the American Red Cross, and other local and federal organizations for information on how to begin creating an emergency preparedness plan.

Using State-of-the-Art Technology

Without mass notification systems, the silence can be deafening and fatal.

A monitor inside the cab of a tower crane provides the operator with close-up view of the load and lifting area. (Netarus, LLC photo)

Seeing Safety Differently

Remote operated cameras aid in mitigating risk in construction work.

Pictograms are required safety data sheet elements that are intended to convey specific hazard information visually.

Hazard Communication Program — Training is the Key

Employees are to be trained when they are initially assigned to work with a hazardous chemical. Additional training is to be done whenever a new health or physical hazard is introduced into the work area.

The annual national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over mobilization, Dec. 10-31, comes at a particularly dangerous time of year for roadway users. On average, more than 800 people die in vehicle crashes involving a drunk driver during the month of December.

NSC Predicts Almost 700 Holiday Weekend Road Deaths

"Safety is the greatest gift you can give, not only to your family but to those who share the roads with you," said NSC President and CEO Deborah Hersman. "Paying attention, slowing down, and driving sober can ensure you and your fellow travelers make it home for the holidays."

DOL Rule to Boost Transparency of Disability Claims Process

It can be challenging for workers seeking disability benefits from an employer-sponsored plan to understand the process and why their claim is approved or denied, according to DOL's rationale for the rule.

Report Identifies Australia's Most Dangerous Highways

The Australian Automobile Association's report identifies the 10 worst sections of highway comprising the National Land Transport Network.

Pictograms are required safety data sheet elements that are intended to convey specific hazard information visually.

GHS Becomes Mandatory in Australia on Jan. 1

GHS was introduced in Australia in January 2012 with a five-year transition period to give chemical manufacturers and importers enough time to implement the necessary changes. It applies to chemicals with physical hazards, health hazards, and environmental hazards.


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