The board's final report also noted regulatory deficiencies were to blame.
Ryan Hill, MPH, has been appointed as director of the Western States Division.
Private health care accreditors don't make their survey reports and accompanying plans of correction publicly available. "We believe it is important to continue to lead the effort to make information regarding a health care facility’s compliance with health and safety requirements found in survey reports publicly available," CMS says in the proposed rule.
The William Steiger Memorial Award winner is U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, who has led his colleagues in pushing for full funding for OSHA and has supported legislation to expand the number of workers OSHA covers and update its enforcement measures, as well as securing $110 million in federal resources for Cincinnati's NIOSH campus, according to ACGIH.
Carriers canceled 1.5 percent of scheduled domestic flights in February 2017.
A 60-year-old forklift operator died Nov. 21, 2016, while transferring building supplies from the company's warehouse to a customer's vehicle.
The agency released a special investigation report calling for changes in training and procedures for pilots.
The funding has been awarded to the California Employment Development Department as part of a National Dislocated Worker Grant.
It employs a novel, waterless soil-scrubbing technology that safely neutralized toxic chemicals simulating sarin, soman, and mustard agents.
The publication summarizes four major accident investigations.
There were 4,836 fatal work injuries in the United States in 2015.
To prevent this population of firefighters from developing hearing loss, the authors recommend enrolling all wildland firefighters in a hearing conservation program and that fire agencies maintain fire service-specific hearing loss prevention programs.
"Absent a nomination and confirmation of additional commissioners, the Commission will lack a quorum on July 1 when Chairman Svinicki's current term expires. This situation could severely inhibit the NRC's ability to execute its vital responsibility and hamper the nuclear industry," three leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote in a letter to the president.
Upon confirmation as secretary of Labor, Alexander Acosta will be expected to implement a "comprehensive agency reform plan" as specified by a March 13 executive order.
The automated laboratory diagnostic test being developed by Siemens Healthineers would produce an initial result in 58 minutes. The $8.9 million contract supports the development of the diagnostic test, manufacturing preparations, and clinical studies that could support its application for clearance from FDA.