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NRC Takes Action Against International Isotopes, Inc.

A technician received a radiation exposure in excess of NRC limits on Aug. 20.

Executive Order Mandates Paid Sick Leave by Federal Contractors

The executive order will give approximately 300,000 people working on federal contracts the ability to earn up to seven days of paid sick leave each year.

CSB Sets Houston Meeting on DuPont La Porte Release

CSB investigators will present their findings and suggested recommendations and will include an animation depicting the events that led to the deaths.

FSIS Advisory Panel Meeting This Week

Two subcommittee also will be meeting, one discussing strategies to reduce Salmonella infections and other improved detection of foodborne Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli.

The new program will give 16 states annual awards between $750,000 and $1 million over the next four years to advance prevention on multiple fronts, according to CDC.

CDC Helping States to End Prescription Drug 'Epidemic'

The agency announced a program to give 16 states money for the next four years to combat the problem.

OSHA: Deficient Medical Management to Blame for Musculoskeletal Injuries

A Delaware poultry processing plant has been warned by OSHA.

Strangulation Death at Bowling Center a 'Preventable Workplace Tragedy'

OSHA has said that a pinsetter lacked safety mechanisms, which led to the fatality.

Are You Ready? National Preparedness Month is Under Way

The theme this year is: "Don't Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today."

U.S. Rep. John Kline, R-Minn., will not seek re-election in November 2016, he announced Sept. 3, 2015.

House Workforce Committee's Chair Not Seeking Re-election

Rep. John Kline, R-Minn., would have lost the chairmanship of the U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee at the end of 2016 because of Republicans' committee chairmanship term limits.

Insights and Implications to Guide Your Fall Arrest Decisions

When it comes to engineered fall protection, there is mass confusion out there.

DOL Awards $10.5 Million in Grants to 80 Nonprofit Organizations

The grants will go to helping high-risk workers and employers.

HHS Proposing Rule to Increase Protection for Human Study Subjects

Proposed changes include new data security and information protection standards to reduce the potential for violations of privacy and confidentiality.

Local monitoring systems provide sufficient time to remove your workers from the impending lightning strike.

Making the Workplace Safer from the Effects of Lightning

Local monitoring systems provide sufficient time to remove your workers from harm’s way—from the impending lightning strike.

NSC Estimates 395 May be Killed on Roads This Holiday Weekend

The safety council is urging travelers to practice defensive driving.

Post-offer physical ability tests that are considered medical tests for new hires and return to work are both legal and effective for employment selection decisions, so long as the tests are job specific.

Going On Looks Alone

Brief job task simulations are often not particularly effective for evaluating an individual’s ability to perform a job that has a significant extended energy expenditure requirement.

MSHA Proximity Detection Rule Issued

The agency has been concerned about struck-by incidents in mines for several years.

MSA Buying Latchways plc, National Safety Apparel Acquires TECGEN

Two deals on the eve of the National Safety Council's Congress & Expo this month will give those companies' representatives plenty to talk about with attendees.


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