When it comes to engineered fall protection, there is mass confusion out there.
The grants will go to helping high-risk workers and employers.
Proposed changes include new data security and information protection standards to reduce the potential for violations of privacy and confidentiality.
Local monitoring systems provide sufficient time to remove your workers from harm’s way—from the impending lightning strike.
The safety council is urging travelers to practice defensive driving.
Brief job task simulations are often not particularly effective for evaluating an individual’s ability to perform a job that has a significant extended energy expenditure requirement.
The agency has been concerned about struck-by incidents in mines for several years.
Two deals on the eve of the National Safety Council's Congress & Expo this month will give those companies' representatives plenty to talk about with attendees.
The meeting will be held on Sept. 9, 2015 in Washington, D.C.
The statements were made following an incident that seriously injured three workers.
Tablets are unlike traditional PCs because they are used in different locations, with different postures, while doing other things. Because of this, the ergonomics with a tablet become far more challenging.
Wireless gas monitoring is flexible and provides more control—at a time when regulators are about to make sure you have such control.
Yikes! Hearing loss is the third-leading major U.S. public health issue.
Employers should not focus only on the NRR when selecting protectors.
Don't forget your company's management and maintenance personnel. The regulations require training of all motor carrier employees.
HR managers can leverage their position in highlighting the value of employees and use their knowledge and skills to drive positive outcomes.
What requirements must a hearing protector meet for arc flash protection?