One is a proposed standard on competencies of responders to derailments of high-hazard flammable trains carrying crude oil, ethanol, and other Class 3 products.
Beginning Feb. 1, 2016, mine operators must use Continuous Personal Dust Monitors to sample for respirable coal mine dust on working sections of underground coal mines. The courses are required for personnel who sample, maintain or calibrate CPDMs.
OSHA has cited Wellington Stamping for seven serious violations.
The money is available through the new Sector Partnerships National Emergency Grant program.
It is similar in content and organization to the general industry confined spaces standard, with some provisions for construction-specific hazards -- including requirements to ensure that multiple employers share vital safety information and continuously monitor hazards.
The agency has advised owners of these cars to fix their vehicles as soon as possible.
The poster is titled "Job Safety and Health – It's the Law!"
How the flexible polyurethane foam manufacturing industry manages the handling of toluene diisocyanate.
This year's conference will be year four for the popular Ignite sessions, which are five-minute talks on pretty much any topic.
The plan should be considered a living document, reviewed and updated on a regular basis as the emergency team sees fit.
CNP systems have demonstrated the ability to accurately and consistently measure known levels of respirator leakage.
Eyewash stations and showers must be easy for an injured person to operate and must work reliably whenever they are needed—so the equipment must be tested weekly.
Reviews uncover revisions that will need to be made, procedures that will need to be updated, and training that may need to be changed.
The convergence of wireless devices, low-cost sensors, Big Data, and crowdsourcing will change the way you assess risk in your workplace.
According to OSHA, any chemical that could possibly cause any physical or health effect under expected conditions of use or reasonably anticipated conditions of misuse is hazardous.
It is most effective to have one person in charge of creating the emergency preparedness plan.
Implementing a housekeeping routine to mitigate combustible dust minimizes explosion risk.