Secretary Sally Jewell said offshore drillers and operators are already complying with much of the proposed rule, the third major regulation issued to address root causes of the Deepwater Horizon disaster five years ago.
New communications and mapping systems will help rescue teams find trapped or injured miners faster. They were demonstrated April 8 during an emergency drill at a Pennsylvania coal mine, Administrator Joe Main reported.
The London Fire Brigade investigative team's analysis dispels speculation that jewel thieves set the blaze in central London to cover their tracks.
"If it's your first ride of the season, do a complete check of your motorcycle or take it to a dealer for a tune-up," said Steve Kee, director of Media & Digital Communications at IBC.
Christopher Hart will use the April 16 visit to stress the safety board's urgent recommendations that flammable liquid rail cars be strengthened.
The alerts are intended for pilots and mechanics.
The agency declared the South Carolina-based company to be an imminent hazard to public safety.
"These grants provide such a valuable service to American workers because they're providing essential training to the vulnerable workers in small businesses and high-risk industries that need it most," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez.
The partnership will focus on preventing injuries during the operation of ground support equipment, the use of seat belts, slips and falls, ergonomic hazards, and extreme temperatures.
A recent U.S. Senate resolution also urged the surgeon general of the United States to warn and educate people about the public health issue of asbestos exposure.
DIR announced that the proposed amendments have been approved by the Office of Administrative Law.
Pipeline operators have reported excavation damage as the cause of 743 incidents, resulting in 36 deaths, 132 injuries requiring in-patient hospitalization, and more than $250 million in property damage, during the past decade.
An average of 44 people per day in the United States are dying from overdoses of prescription painkillers, and almost 7,000 people are treated in emergency departments every day for using these drugs in a manner other than as directed, according to CDC.
The report is focused on the Department of Industrial Relations' oversight of petroleum refineries in the state.
The residues were found in animals that are sold for food, according to FDA.
The 24/7 facility in Heerlen, the Netherlands, is located near the European distribution centers of 80 major medical manufacturers and will offer next-day delivery to almost all of Europe’s 16,000 hospitals, according to the company.
The March 22, 2014, collision caused an oil spill that closed the channel for three days, coated 13 miles of shoreline heavily with oil, and affected about 40 miles with light to moderate amounts of oil, according to the Environmental Response Investigative Group chairman's report.