The OH&S SafetyPod takes some time to showcase some key developments at last week’s NSC Safety Congress & Expo 2023. Highlights include NSC’s new Respond Ready Workplace program, OSHA’s annual Top 10 violations announcement, and more.
The evolving climate landscape presents new challenges for construction sites, making it crucial to reevaluate existing safety protocols.
Brookens Construction faces hefty penalties after another OSHA inspection.
Creating and promoting a culture of safety can mitigate the risk of hazardous conditions across the organization.
Speaker John Austin addressed how safety leaders can more effectively achieve change.
The annual safety event heads to Florida in September 2024.
This year’s awards program recognized Schneider, Walgreens and APTIM for outstanding contributions to workplace safety within their organizations across three key categories.
A roundtable discussion led to insights into diversity’s role in workplace safety.
The most frequently cited violation has held that title for more than a decade.
NSC officials shed light on its Respond Ready Workplace program, which aims to cut workplace overdose deaths through various means, including adding opioid overdose medication to first aid kits and training employees on how to use it.
Speaker Ken Kolosh shared the latest data on occupational injuries and fatalities.
The expansive expo floor features more than 700 exhibitors.
Athlete and entertainer Jon Dorenbos used a mix of humor, magic, and life lessons to show NSC attendees the importance of staying confident and positive despite tough setbacks.
Campbell Institute Forum at NSC Safety Congress and Expo discusses how to effectively train a workforce comprised of Baby Boom, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z workers.
The international safety event is coming to Düsseldorf on Oct. 24-27.
The judgment follows several near-misses and a reported employee injury at the worksite.
The study reveals strategies relating to lone worker monitoring.