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Airborne pathogens are highly contagious.

Flu Cases Elevated Nationwide

CDC announced U.S. reports of flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths are elevated.

AirAsia Aircraft Wreckage Found

The airline announced Dec. 30 that The National Search and Rescue Agency Republic of Indonesia has confirmed debris found floating in the Karimata Strait is from flight QZ8501.

OSHA Cites Robertson Incorporated Bridge and Grading Division after 16-year-old Laborer Dies

The Wage and Hour Division has assessed the company penalties for violating child labor laws.

Pilz Ireland Wins IOSH Unit's Safety Company of the Year Award

Its SafeyEYE technology advances machine guarding, the unit's chairman said.

NFPA is seeking comments by Jan. 15, 2015, to a Tentative Interim Amendment to NFPA 1999, Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations.

NFPA Amendment Would Update 1999 Clothing Standard

The organization's Tentative Interim Amendment would revise its Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations in order to better protect first responders from the Ebola virus.


OSHA's 2014 SST Inspection Program Enters Final Months

The 2014 Site-Specific Targeting program ends in March of 2015, so right now OSHA Area Offices are working to finish all of the inspections on lists that were created early in the year, to satisfy quotas before the next SST program directive is issued.

New York City Fire Department personnel are expected to answer a record 1.6 million emergency calls during 2014.

FDNY Setting Record in 2014: 1.6 Million Emergency Calls

The department announced that gas emergencies rose by 68 percent, while fires and fire deaths remain at historic lows.

Treating marijuana the same as alcohol is impossible for several reasons. There are no measurements for marijuana impairment that relate across the board to how we understand alcohol impairment.

Washington Judge Upholds County's Ban on Marijuana Businesses

Attorney General Bob Ferguson said this is the fifth judicial ruling agreeing with his January 2014 opinion that Initiative 502 does not override local governments' authority to regulate or ban marijuana businesses.

ASSE Files Comments on Total Worker Health Agenda

One suggestion is that NIOSH add another strategy encouraging research that helps employers determine how best to implement TWH organizationally.

State Department Issues Worldwide Travel Alert

It is based on the chocolate shop hostage incident in Sydney, Australia, on Dec. 15.

Kansas Health Department, CDC Investigating New Virus

The host of this new virus, called Bourbon virus, is unknown at this time, but it is thought to be transmitted through the bites of ticks or other insects.

New “SaferRide” Mobile App and New Data Highlight Start of Annual Holiday Drunk Driving Crackdown

New data shows that drunk driving deaths declined by 2.5 percent in 2013.

Chimney Supply Company Again Exposes Employees to Serious Hazards

The Scranton, Pa., company was cited for 14 safety violations.

Washington L&I Documents High Injury Rate of Truck Drivers

The agency's recent report says one of every 13 drivers suffers a lost-time injury each year.

Corvallis, Ore.-based VDOS Global uses aerial robotics and remote sensing to provide oil and gas inspections, environmental research, aerial surveying and other services using for its clients around the world. (VDOS image)

FAA Supporting Drone Industry's Safety Campaign

Timed for the holiday gift-giving season, "Know Before You Fly" seeks to promote safe, responsible flying of unmanned aircraft systems.

DHS, HHS Release Guidance for Patient Decontamination in Mass Chemical Incidents

The Mass Human Chemical Decontamination Working Group (a federal interagency working group) developed the guidance with the advice of a larger group of federal and non-federal subject matter experts in emergency response, emergency medicine, toxicology, risk communication, behavioral health, and other relevant fields.


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