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Safe Drivers, Chapters Honored at NSC Awards Celebration

The National Safety Council held its annual National Awards Celebration during this week’s San Diego conference.

Executive Order Mandates Actions on Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

President Obama signed it Sept. 18 and the administration released its national strategy the same day.

Falls Still Top OSHA's List

The big three -- falls, scaffolds, and ladders -- are among the Top Ten most-violated OSHA standards for FY 2014, agency officials announced during the NSC conference.

Michaels Reiterates Temp Worker Message

The Occupational Keynote session Sept. 16 at the NSC Conference & Expo featured the heads of OSHA and NIOSH discussing the challenges of protecting temporary workers.

Sights from the Show Floor: Day 2

Easy functionality and smart technology are working against each other, and a lot of companies are trying to find the middle ground.

Sights from the Show Floor

Companies are finding innovative solutions to unique and challenging problems.

NSC's Journey to Safety Excellence Off and Running

Three sponsors and a renewed alliance with OSHA are supporting the new initiative.

NSC Honoring 2014 Rising Stars

"This year, we recognize a talented group of individuals at our Congress & Expo," said NSC President and CEO Deborah A.P. Hersman. "These young professionals are rising to meet emerging safety challenges and are the future leaders of the safety movement."

ISEA Experts Discuss Solutions for Confined Space Safety

Day two of the NSC Expo featured a panel discussion on confined space safety and practices.

Hersman Opens 2014 Congress & Expo

In her first keynote address, the council's new president and CEO cited the aviation industry as an example of all-out safety dedication.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5021, a bill that would fund surface transportation projects through May 2015, by a 367-55 vote on July 15, 2014.

Construction Employment Strengthening, Trade Associations Report

U.S. construction employment hit a five-year high in August 2014 and is rising twice as fast as total nonfarm employment, the Associated General Contractors of America recently reported.

NSC Presents 2014 Campbell, Distinguished Service Awards

Cummins' CEO accepted the prestigious Robert W. Campbell Award, and six individuals received 2014 Distinguished Service Awards on Sept. 15.

NTSB Study on Drug Use in Aviation Shows Upward Trend

The study shows an increase in the use of potentially impairing medications.

Additional Funding Awarded to Assist Workers from the Closure of Cargill Beef

Funds have been awarded to Texas to help those who worked at the beef processing facility.

National COSH Wins Harwood Grant

Funded entirely by the $650,000 grant, the new initiative will enable the national network of local committees on occupational safety and health to offer new and expanded training, provide technical assistance, and build capacity to reach at-risk workers.

This wrecked ladder truck is displayed in the 9/11 memorial museum in Manhattan.

Study Shows Persistence of 9/11 Firefighters' Long-term Airway Diseases

Charles B. Hall, Ph.D.., a professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, discussed the findings in a 9/11/14 post on the NIOSH blog.

The rule will require employers to notify OSHA of work-related fatalities within eight hours and work-related in-patient hospitalizations, amputations, or an employee

OSHA Makes Big Change in Injury Reporting

After OMB cleared the agency's final rule, OSHA chief Dr. David Michaels and Labor Secretary Thomas Perez have announced its publication is imminent, and it will take effect Jan. 1, 2015.


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