Funds have been awarded to Texas to help those who worked at the beef processing facility.
Funded entirely by the $650,000 grant, the new initiative will enable the national network of local committees on occupational safety and health to offer new and expanded training, provide technical assistance, and build capacity to reach at-risk workers.
Charles B. Hall, Ph.D.., a professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, discussed the findings in a 9/11/14 post on the NIOSH blog.
After OMB cleared the agency's final rule, OSHA chief Dr. David Michaels and Labor Secretary Thomas Perez have announced its publication is imminent, and it will take effect Jan. 1, 2015.
The one-hour challenge will take place at its booth 1339 in the expo, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sept. 15.
The Youngstown, Ohio steel mill is fined $94,000.
The organization is seeking nominations for five members.
Nominees will be selected based on expertise in the field occupational safety and health, such as occupational medicine, occupational health nursing, industrial hygiene, toxicology, chemistry, safety and health education, ergonomics, epidemiology, biostatistics, and psychology.
The third shipment of gates for new locks have arrived at the Atlantic entrance of the waterway, the Panama Canal Authority announced Sept. 8.
This is the first time in more than a decade that it has increased, according to the company's Drug Testing Index™ analysis of 8.5 million workplace drug tests. The data were released Sept. 8.
The grants will go to nonprofit organizations.
The six-member team utilized a large amount of data to help provide information during Colorado floods last year.
Panelists in the Oct. 21 event will discuss countermeasures that could reduce the risk of drowsy driving crashes.
Before 2010, certain uninspected commercial vessels, including barges and sailing vessels, were not covered by the statute requiring the Coast Guard to regulate lifesaving devices on uninspected vessels -- the devices were required on such commercial vessels only if they carried passengers for hire.
The funding will expand NVDRS from 18 to 32 participating states.
Bill Perry has been appointed the position.
The agency estimates 8 million U.S. health care workers are potentially exposed to such drugs in their workplaces.