The Connecticut contractor was cited by OSHA in connection with workers' lead and silica exposures, according to the agency.
Kristi McKinney, a research specialist in the federal agency's Oil Spill Response Division, spoke last month at the Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association’s annual seminar.
The company was previously cited by OSHA in October 2013.
The grant will help workers affected by manufacturing industry layoffs in Wisconsin.
The Build America Transportation Investment Center, housed at DOT, will be a one-stop shop for state and local governments, public and private developers, and investors to utilize innovative financing strategies for projects.
The company is responsible for a leak from one of its tanks. The leak contaminated Charleston, W.Va., residents' drinking water in January 2014.
With most schools out of session during the summer, it creates more chances for danger on the farm. "It's worth looking around your farm with a child's view of the world," said Alan Plom, IOSH's Rural Industries Group vice-chair.
In a letter to DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart, Sen. John Hoeven cites data from the North Dakota Attorney General's Office showing drug crimes are up 19.5 percent from last year. At the same time, OSHA has launched an enforcement emphasis program focused on the state's oil and gas and construction industries.
The agency has cited Interlake Mecalux Inc. for the second time this year for allegedly exposing workers to amputation hazards.
The 2014 American Hospital Association-McKesson Quest for Quality Prize® will be awarded July 20 to VCU Medical Center of Richmond, Va. It will receive $75,000.
The workgroup has met twice this year, on May 9 and Feb. 11, as it works to develop recommendations for NACOSH to consider.
Scheduled witnesses for the July 17 hearing include Tejal Gandhi, M.D., MPH , president of the National Patient Safety Foundation.
The committee's recommendations place emphasis on the importance of a long-term transportation plan.
NTSB investigators concluded that the driver's use of a cell phone distracted her and diminished her ability to recognize whether the height pole on her vehicle had struck the I-5 bridge last May.
The tenth annual Take A Stand Day on Aug. 13 is for high-hazard industries targeted by the MIOSHA Strategic Plan, and Building Up Residential Safety Day occurs the following day.
Josh Gotbaum has been director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the federal agency that is a backstop for private-sector pension plans, since 2010.
The July issue of the society's Professional Safety journal includes an article detailing the many invisible hazards that may be present if out-of-service equipment isn't handled properly.