The agency approves Zontivity to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular death in high risk patients.
The FAA announces that the University of Alaska’s UAS test site is the second of six to become operational.
The monument was damaged by a 5.8-magnitude earthquake that occurred Aug. 23, 2011, from a fault located in Virginia.
The May 9 ceremony in Washington, D.C., is scheduled to include Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez, Deputy Secretary Christopher Lu, and descendants of the railroad workers.
The order requires railroads transporting crude oil to notify SERCs about the operation of trains through their states if the trains carry more than 1 million gallons of Bakken crude oil, or approximately 35 tank cars.
OSHA issued $196,000 in proposed fines to a Connecticut contractor for allegedly exposing workers to hazards similar to those in a Philadelphia building collapse in June 2013.
Three of the 291 passengers on board died and more than 180 other passengers and crew members were injured when the descending Boeing 777 struck a seawall at the end of runway 28L last July at San Francisco International Airport.
Training companies are offering an OPITO-approved Tropical Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) course at the Johnson Space Center's Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.
Pacific Organic Produce has recalled certain organic mangoes sold between April 14 and May 2.
The U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory reported May 2 that Mount St. Helens remains active but an eruption is not impending.
OSHA announced the May 9 meeting is taking place at its headquarters in Washington, D.C.
The DOT agency's advisory bulletin asks pipeline owners and operators to look for deficiencies like the ones NTSB found in Enbridge's program after a large pipeline spill in July 2010.
This report is welcome news, but overall, the numbers have not improved in the past 15 years.
The data has prompted the agency to address a recent spike in worker deaths.
The agency has cited American Plant Food Corp. for 12 violations.
ASTM has formed a task group to develop a specification standard for them, Selcen Kilinc-Balci, a physical scientist for NIOSH's National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, reported on the agency’s Science Blog.
The newly posted guides are part of the National Fire Protection Association's Electric Vehicle Safety Training project.