Top Stories

"This long-overdue update will save nearly 20 lives and prevent 118 serious injuries annually," said Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels.

OSHA Issues Sweeping Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution Final Rule

The rule includes significant PPE changes, such as mandating fall harnesses for workers in aerial lifts and requiring that employers provide and pay for FR apparel.

New Hand Safety Website Launched

The site launched by CPWR—The Center for Construction Research and Training, offers specific information tailored for the masonry trades.

International Process Safety Collaboration Announced

The Institution of Chemical Engineers and Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station announced they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

OSHA Alleges 45 Willful Violations by NY Real Estate Developer, Issues $2.3M in Fines

Olivet Management LLC of Wingdale, N.Y., is cited for knowingly exposing workers to asbestos and lead during renovation work of the former Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center.

Amid Ebola Epidemic, WHO Delivers PPE for Guinea Health Workers

The geographic spread of cases so far, including in Conakry, the country's capital, makes this an unprecedented outbreak.

UK Food Standards Agency Changing Pork Inspection Rules

The Food Standards Agency has begun a six-week consultation on new rules for pork inspection rules that are set to be enacted in June 2014.

This memorial wall was erected to honor the 29 miners who died in the Upper Big Branch Mine South explosion on April 5, 2010. (MSHA photo)

WV Senator Denounces 'Upper Big Branch – Never Again' Documentary

Don Blankenship, former CEO of Massey Energy, had it made to challenge MSHA's conclusion that the explosion four years ago in which 29 miners died resulted from basic safety violations and was a coal dust explosion that started as a methane ignition.

OSHA Cites Company for Exposing Workers to Silica Dust

The agency has cited Grede Wisconsin Subsidiaries LLC for one repeat violation involving silica exposures.

PG&E Criminally Charged in San Bruno Pipeline Explosion

More than two years after NTSB concluded its inadequate quality assurance and quality control in 1956 during a pipeline relocation project caused the explosion, the utility faces 12 charges with potential penalties of $500,000 per charge.

London Fire Brigade: Most High-Rise Residents Lack Fire Plan

The brigade's survey found 60 percent of all high-rise residents -– approximately 760,000 households -– do not have a fire escape plan.

VA's Disability Claims Backlog Drops Sharply

The number of pending disability compensation claims peaked at more than 611,000 in March 2013, but the Department of Veterans Affairs has chopped it approximately 44 percent to 344,000 claims.

This image comes from a video posted to DEUS Rescue

Incorporating Rescue Into a Fall Protection Plan

Standards should be the basis for any employer's fall protection and rescue program.

The welding arc creates extreme temperatures and may pose a significant fire and explosion hazard if safe practices are not followed. (The Lincoln Electric Company photo)

Be Prepared: Five Potential Welding Safety Hazards to Avoid

The welding arc creates extreme temperatures and may pose a significant fire and explosion hazard if safe practices are not followed.

The purchasing manager tells me that since evaluating PPE selection beyond the mere paper value, they

Make No Haste in PPE Selection for Waste Workers

Not considering the whole picture (which includes comfort and adoption) results in a lack of compliance and, therefore, increased injuries.

All new vehicles under 10,000 pounds will be required by the NHTSA final rule to be equipped with rear-view technology as of 2018.

NHTSA Final Rule Requires Rear Visibility Technology

It applies to all new vehicles under 10,000 pounds by May 2018.

Product Showcase

  • AirChek Connect Sampling Pump

    Stay connected to your sampling with the SKC AirChek® Connect Sampling Pump! With its Bluetooth connection to PC and mobile devices, you can monitor AirChek Connect pump operation without disrupting workflow. SKC designed AirChek Connect specifically for all OEHS professionals to ensure accurate, reliable flows from 5 to 5000 ml/min and extreme ease of use. AirChek Connect offers easy touch screen operation and flexibility. It is quality built to serve you and the workers you protect. Ask about special pricing and a demo at AIHA Connect Booth 1003. Read More

  • Safety Knives

    The Safety Knife Company has developed a quality range of safety knives for all industries. Designed so that fingers cannot get to the blades, these knives will safely cut through cardboard, tape, strapping, shrink or plastic wrap or a variety of other packing materials. Because these knives have no exposed blades and only cut cardboard deep, they will not only protect employees against lacerations but they will also save product. The Metal Detectable versions have revolutionary metal detectable polypropylene knife bodies specifically for the food and pharmaceutical industries. This material can be detected and rejected by typical detection machines and is X-ray visible. Read More

  • EMSL Analytical, Inc. - Air Sampling Supplies & Testing Labs

    EMSL Analytical, Inc. operates laboratories throughout the United States and Canada. EMSL is a nationally recognized and locally focused provider specializing in fast laboratory results for Asbestos, Mold, Silica, Lead & Metals, Bacteria, Legionella, USP , Combustion By-Products, VOC’s, Radon, PCB’s, Formaldehyde, METH/Fentanyl, Identification of Dust & Unknowns. Sampling Pumps, Cassettes, Media & Supplies available. Reach us at 1-800.220.3675 Read More


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