OSHA cites Nichiha USA Inc. for almost $140,000 in proposed safety violation fines.
For any safety manager who wants to see whether his or her company might benefit from a refresh of the existing program, a good first step is to seek out professional assistance to learn more.
Defining the correct PPE levels based on electrical hazard risk assessments on all electrical equipment will lead to better acceptance by electrical workers.
Thirteen employees of DOE's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, N.M., were notified Feb. 26 that they have tested positive for radiological contamination after being exposed on Feb. 14.
OSHA has issued $560,000 in penalties to Custom Rubber Products LLC, a Houston manufacturer, after a worker was severely injured.
The agency suggests implementing a new label that draws more attention to the connection between nutrition and chronic diseases.
Six meetings of international experts have been held as part of the Action Plan on Nuclear Safety that followed the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant crisis.
President Obama and DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx announced the sixth round of funding.
The city council approved legislation that provides paid sick leave coverage for all businesses of five or more employees – up from 15 – and Mayor Bill de Blasio said he'll sign it.
Two Feb. 26 events illustrated the severity of the drug problem in West Virginia: a forum on the emerging heroin epidemic and a charge of illegal drug distribution by a man identified as the governor's brother.
The American Industrial Hygiene Association announced its bid to bring the conference to the nation's capital in October 2018 has succeeded.
The agency posted a Hazard Alert that says its inspections "have revealed serious deficiencies in some of the procedures used in tank entry."
The agency is a co-sponsor of the Downstate Illinois Occupational Safety and Health Day.
The emergency order requires shippers to test oil from the Bakken region to ensure proper classification before it is shipped by rail.
Its March 13 advisory meeting concerns extending the statute of limitations from three to five years and changing the geographic limitation to statewide.