
Confined Spaces in Mining

This "Confined Spaces in Mining" video from the Mine Safety and Health Administration provides general definitions for confined spaces in mines and gives typical examples. It suggests safety guidelines for working in mines' confined spaces, outlines the permitting process, and lists three steps for safe entries and exits from contined spaces.

Respirable Dust Sampling

Cutting dry concrete curbs and blocks can produce significant amounts of dust, possibly containing silica, and exposure controls should be used.

Disaster Preparedness

What is your company's preparedness initiative? Many small business will not reopen after a major natural disaster. Get tips and resources on how to develop your own Emergency Plan. Find out how to obtain your Preparedness Guide and Business Continuity Planning CD-ROM to help in developing your plan.

Emergency Medical Care

Be prepared for medical emergencies. Learn about new guidelines on when to use hands-only CPR versus traditional CPR. Find about the benefits of having an AED program at your workplace.

Driving Safety

Find out what are the top distractions for drivers and how to reduce delayed reaction times. Learn what to look for in driver training program to get the most effective one to meet your needs. Discover what event data recorders in today’s vehicles provide and tips for teaching your employees to be better drivers.

Preventing Construction Falls

Learn about personal protective equipment and best practices to keep construction workers safe. Find out about improvements in PPE equipment in the last few years to guard against falls, which continue to be a leading cause of workplace fatalities. Gain more knowledge about what can you do to prevent them.

Keeping the Workplace Safe and Secure

Occupational Health & Safety proudly introduces its free 30-minute program, “Occupational Health & Safety: Keeping the Workplace Safe and Secure.” This engaging program features important safety concerns and the solutions that will help keep your workplace hazard free.

Artificial Intelligence